The Shell Trial
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“Nuyens and De Wit provide clear insight into how the climate crisis is currently primarily a crisis of responsibility.”
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The Shell Trial
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In The Shell Trial we meet five representatives of different parties in the climate crisis: industry (Shell CEO), consumers, government, civilians and future generations. Through their monologues, each make their case of why they can’t be held accountable.
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The last white male rhino is extinct. Forest fires, floods and landslides are commonplace all over the world. Which images, arguments and rhetoric ensure that there is so little progress in solving the climate problem?

Theater makers Anoek Nuyens and Rebekka de Wit have been following the climate debate closely for years. They attended shareholder meetings of multinationals, read speeches and interviews from Shell, plowed through agreements and policy papers from governments and systematically noted the comments of their uncles and neighbors as soon as the climate crisis was discussed during Christmas dinner. They wrote a plea for every vote in the climate debate. All these voices come together in  The Shell Case  . The reason is a real lawsuit that is now underway and has been filed by a group of NGOs against the oil giant. Stake: forcing Shell to radically change their business operations. Shell's defense? Not we, but the consumer must change. In the performance we see how cleverly everyone in the debate shifts their responsibility to another party.

In 2017, Anoek and Rebekka made their first joint production  Unless you have a better plan  about the increasing call to reform the relationship between people, animals, nature and things. Afterwards they started some pre-enactments for  The Shell Case . The final performance premiered in October 2020 and is still on tour through the Netherlands and Belgium. In 2021,  The Shell Case was  made into a film by Dana Nechustan and Norbert ter Hall.

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The Shell Trial's goal is to make audiences aware of the crisis of responsibility that the climate crisis is. It stresses how all of us in our own ways need to take action.
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Dimensions of change
The Shell Trial will teach audiences about power dynamics currently at play (Learning), open up new possibilities of taking action and taking responsibility (Imagining) and empower people to take action for themselves in their own environment (Empowering)
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The Shell Trial will teach audiences about power dynamics currently at play
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The Shell Trial
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The Shell Trial will teach audiences about opening up new possibilities of taking action and taking responsibility
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The Shell Trial
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The Shell Trial will empower people to take action for themselves in their own environment
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The Shell Trial
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Read more about The Shell Trial and check out performance dates