Lili Jullian
Start story
Lili Jullian
Relevant dimensions
The dimensions most relevant to this project are: caring and empowering
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The brand flips femininity on its head and makes something that is classically seen as vulnerable; a strength, a tool to play with your identity. The garments have powers, allowing you to live in an utopian bubble of colorful feminism and dance (Empowering). Each step of our circular brand is done with care (Caring). Using Upcycling material, Zero waste process with Ethical values and Feminism concepts.
This is some text inside of a div block.
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The brand flips femininity on its head and makes something that is classically seen as vulnerable; a strength, a tool to play with your identity. The garments have powers, allowing you to live in an utopian bubble of colorful feminism and dance (Empowering). Each step of our circular brand is done with care (Caring). Using Upcycling material, Zero waste process with Ethical values and Feminism concepts.