Moving Love
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Moving Love is a participatory film project that invites a group of 10 LGBTQIA+ refugees to participate in multi-day film workshops and create their own (ultra) short film centered around the themes of hope and fear, based on their personal stories, experiences, or messages.
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The project has a dual purpose: to foster understanding of the diverse realities of LGBTQIA+ refugees among a broad audience in the Netherlands and to introduce participants to the creative outlet of film. Additionally, we aim to show that the Netherlands is not as emancipated in this regard as we may sometimes believe.
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Our stories are a testament to the strength of the human spirit. By sharing the journeys of queer refugees, we challenge prejudice, dismantle stereotypes, and create space for empathy and acceptance.
Geena Rocero
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Dimensions of change
Lorem ipsum dolor Caring, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Co-creating, lorem ipsum dolor Empowering
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Lorem ipsum dolor Caring
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lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Co-creating
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Lorem ipsum dolor Empowering
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Key audiences include queer refugees and the wider queer community, young adults, as well as government organizations (including government organisations) involved in this topic.
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We hope to contribute to the visibility and recognition of LGBTQIA+ individuals, particularly refugees, who may face multiple layers of discrimination and invisibility.
The project can serve as an instrument for LGBTQIA+ rights and acceptance. The project is focussing on the different perspectives of each queer refugee, and is not representing people that are outside this community.
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The project has certain impact goals per audience 
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Queer refugees and the queer community

Introduce participants to the creative outlet of film and handing tools to tell their stories when language isn’t sufficient.  

Young adults

foster understanding of the diverse realities of LGBTQIA+ refugees among a broad audience in the Netherlands 

(Government) organizations involved in this topic

Foster understanding of the diverse realities of LGBTQIA+ refugees among a broad audience in the Netherlands and improve the position of LGBTQ+ refugees in the Netherlands.   

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Moving Love also proposes certain activities per audience group.
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What are the proposed activities per audience?

Queer refugees and the queer community: the workshop, producing of the shortfilms and aftercare 

Young adults

Exhibition and discussion. A collective exhibition will be curated, featuring these diverse films along with stories and experiences of LGBTQIA+ refugees, presented nationally and internationally (anonymously if desired). The exhibition is intended to travel to various locations. 

(Government) organizations involved in this topic

Exhibition and discussion
